Friday, September 26, 2014

Sun sets on summer

Equinox sunset
Equinox sunset just getting started

It's hard to believe summer is over, but my garden will continue to look good for several more weeks, right up until the first hard freeze (usually sometime in mid to late November).  So for now, just a few photos of the glorious sunset we had on the last day of summer this year, as photographed from my roof Monday night.  We have a view over Rock Creek Park of the National Cathedral, and you can see in the photos the scaffolding for the ongoing repairs to the tower that was damaged by the 5.8 earthquake we had 3 years ago (one spire was knocked off entirely, and 2 more were in danger of falling).
Equinox sunset
Featured on Washington Post's Capital Weather Gang blog, and PoPville blog

Equinox sunset
National Cathedral closeup (featured on DC Focused)


  1. I tend to lump in early autumn with summer, that way it seems the summer season is longer even if the equinox says otherwise

  2. Autumn is normally a very pleasant time of year here, a welcome relief from the heat and humidity of summer and the garden still looks good! But it means that winter is around the corner...
