Sunday, January 4, 2015

Holidays + winter blahs = no blogging

Garden, early January
Garden, early January

Happy New Year!  It's hard to believe it's January already, when my last blog post was in November, shortly before Thanksgiving.  Blame the crazy holiday schedule, blame traveling to visit family, blame lack of time or inspiration, but mostly blame the winter blahs.  Now that I finally have a free weekend, the weather is just cold and rainy and miserable.  I did snap a few shots of the garden yesterday, but that just reinforces the blah-ness.  There's still a bit of green here and there, and if it stops raining long enough maybe I'll get out and take a few photos, but it's just as likely that I'll just crawl back into bed and wish for spring.  Let's just hope this winter isn't as bad as the last one!  My one remaining windmill palm has recovered a bit, but not as much as I'd like going into winter.

Garden, August 2014

Thank you to everybody who is still reading and commenting on my blog, and I hope to get back to it in a few days (or a few weeks).  In the meantime, how do other gardeners (and bloggers!) make it through the winter blahs?


  1. The excitement for the coming spring does :) Happy New Year John!

  2. I get the blahs too. I describe it as wanting to go into hibernation from around Thanksgiving to New Years. After New Years as each day gets a little longer I throw it off and get going. Maybe it is a mild form of Seasonal Affective Disorder. Hope you are feeling peppier soon!

  3. Travel to sunnier locations does it for me, as well as having a lot of my plants (the tender and dry loving) indoors. Plus I've intentionally planted things for interest this time of the year and (this is the biggy) I do live in zone 8 so there is still a lot to look at. Still I do know that feeling you describe and occasionally just want to sleep until March.

  4. Happy to see your Trachycarpus Bulgaria Fortunei survived. This winter seems milder thanks to "El Niño". But maybe protecting it once or twice may help. Its surely still recovering from last winter and should really grow this summer.
